Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kombucha on Tap

I've been drinking Lev's Original Kombucha on tap and loving it.  It might or might not have any health benefits but its a great alternative to carbonated high fructose corn syrup water.  The NY Times has an interesting article about it.

The Truth about HDMI cables

More great posters at Wallstats

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bye Bye Greencine

After considerable deliberation -- seriously a month at least -- I have finally decided to cancel my Greencine subscription.  A significant influence on that decision is my recent re-subscription to Netflix to get the Watch Now instant streaming feature which is almost all I need, especially when you add Boxee the mix.  Did I mention Boxee rules? Well it does. Go get it now!  True Greencine does have some foreign and obscure films that Netflix doesn't and some movies that Netflix will never have. But Boxee (with the Boxxxee app installed) has more than enough of the latter, for free no less.  And Greencine was getting slow to ship discs probably because over the years I ended up with a queue top loaded with 50+ movies that were all hard to get.  Still, I had Greencine because they were supposed to have those hard to get movies.

That said, Greencine is an excellent resource with a great staff and community and I will definitely continue to visit their site regularly to read reviews and peruse lists.  I may give Nicheflix a try if Netflix can't satisfy my need for obscure foreign films.

I  have to admit I'm quite curious as to whether every movie I've rented from Greencine over the past 4 years (listed below) is available on Netflix but I haven't gotten around to writing a script to check.  I have been wanting and excuse to play with the Netflix API and I've just started to learn Ruby using this excellent tutorial so this might be, uh,  the proverbial stone that kills two birds.

My GreenCine rental history after the jump...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Worlds Without End : PKD Award

I've decided I'm going to read every PKD award winner and nominee. I've already read a good 20 so I only have about 120 more to go. WWE is a great SF & Fantasy site. I really like the award lists and BookTrakr feature.  The Buy at Amazon links help support the site but I'd really prefer buy the eBook at Barnes& Noble so I can read it on my Android phone.  There should be a browser add-on that finds books on a website and lets you buy them with one click sorta like how Add to Boxee finds videos on a page and adds them to your Boxee queue.  The Barnes and Noble search add-on combined with Context Search is an decent workaroud.

Worlds Without End : PKD Awards